Keystone College - 1868 to present

Active Filters:
  • Original Format = Photographs
  • Subject = Harris Hall

About This Collection

Welcome to the Keystone College 1868- Present Collection, a part of the POWER Library: PA Photos and Documents. This collection contains materials pertaining to the history of Keystone College from its inception as Keystone Academy in 1868 as the first higher educational institution in Northeast PA.

Displaying 22 items
Harris Hall
Harris Hall
Harris Hall
Harris Hall
Harris Hall and Moore Hall
Harris Hall and Moore Hall
Harris Hall at night
Harris Hall behind trees
Harris Hall dedication plaque
Harris Hall entrance
Harris Hall from a distance
Harris Hall (Front)
Harris Hall (front view)
Harris Hall in fall
Harris Hall in winter
Harris Hall Remodel
Harris Hall (side view)
Harris Hall through winter trees
Moore Hall (side view) and Harris Hall
The Remodeling of Harris Hall