World War I Posters (PA)

Active Filters:
  • Language = English
  • Date = 1918
  • Original Format = poster

About This Collection

This collection is of World War I era posters of varying size, color and medium pertaining to the U.S. and Pennsylvania. The posters are manufactured for many different businesses, institutions, and government agencies, and the artwork is by famous, obscure and unknown commercial illustrators. Those printed by various federal agencies were intended to generate patriotic fervor in Americans. Disclaimer: The Pennsylvania State Archives provides digital access to a wide variety of historical documents, some of which may be considered offensive by current standards. The Archives does not endorse views expressed in these historical collections, but presents these collections to aid in scholarly research.

Displaying 65 items
"Ammunition! And Remember - Bonds Buy Bullets"
Buy Liberty Bonds, 1918 Liberty Month, Third Liberty Loan
"Come On, Buy More Liberty Bonds"
"December 16th-23rd, Red Cross Christmas Roll Call"
"For Home and Country," Victory Liberty Loan
"Greatest Mother in the World"
"Have You a Red Cross Service Flag?"
"Have You Answered the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call?"
"Help Him Win by Saving and Serving" Buy War Savings Stamps
"I Summon You to the Comradeship," Woodrow Wilson
"Provide the Sinews of War:" Buy Liberty Bonds
"Second War Fund"
"Sure, We'll Finish the Job," Victory Liberty Loan
War Savings Stamps, To Help Finance the War - Thrift Stamps - the Thrift Card
"Wilson, Taft, and Other National Leaders Indorse YMCA Work"
WSS Enlistment Important Notice, National War Savings Day
WW 1-"A Junker Victory Means Slavery"