Pennsylvania State Archives Collection

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About This Collection

Pennsylvania State Archives collections contain digital representations of materials in the Archives including records of state government departments from the late 1600s to the present. This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Hosted by HSLC

Displaying 60 items
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of returns of Bucks County Associates and Non-Associates, A record of associates and non-associates in boroughs in Bucks County. Listed are men in various counties and days absent from company. Men are distinguished as associated or non-associated with the military. A date is occasionally included. General Returns of the Militia (Continental Line), Returns for the Pennsylvania Militia. Data provided by these records includes the date of the return of a given regiment, details including where men were from in the state, numbers and names of commanders, commissioned officers, staff and non-commissioned men in the regiment, numbers confirming how many men were present for duty, sick, on furlough or special assignment, and mention of where a given regiment would be in the field. Militia Returns (1777-1790), A record of militia returns for counties in Pennsylvania sent to the Supreme Executive Council so that commissions could be made out and statistics recorded accordingly. Information included in these records include election results for elected company officers (captains and lieutenants) which specifically mention the date of election, the officer elected and the names of the judges of the election. Ranked field officers are identified and details to their rank and county of origin provided. Men called to serve in the militia are listed with mention to the name of the company, captain commanding the company, and men included in its ranks.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a daily record of the meetings of the Committee of Safety from July 3, 1775 - July 22, 1776. Entries list the date, location of meetings and names of the members present. Business discussed in meetings included orders of payment for salaries or reimbursement, orders concerning the construction, procurement, delivery, or importation of arms, ammunition and supplies, construction of barracks and boats, enlistment of Continental Soldiers, appointment of Continental officers, board members or committees, issues of pay, rules and regulations concerning enlisted men and officers, and resolves of the Continental Congress and Convention directly affecting the Committee of Safety. Notable members of the Committee included Benjamin Franklin and Robert Morris.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a record of the meetings of the Second Council of Safety, established and working as a temporary governmental authority during the British invasion of eastern Pennsylvania in 1777. All meetings were held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania from October 17, 1777 through December 4, 1777. The purpose for the creation and work of the Second Council of Safety is clearly stated in an introductory general proclamation. Business discussed in meetings included warnings by the council to the general public against direct dealings with or aid to enemy troops currently in Pennsylvania, dealings with citizens recanting their allegiance to the United States in the presence of invading and occupying troops, the appropriation of personal goods from citizens to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, appointment of local citizens to be County Commissioners to further proportions of the military to be called out and to furnish military provisions, levying moneys advanced for substitutes, what to do with men who would neither join or send a substitute into the army, punishment for citizens who disobeyed Council Orders of non-fraternization with the enemy, settlement of prices for liquors and goods, permission given to commissioners to seize munitions, goods and food provisions from those who had aided the enemy or refused to take an oath of allegiance, appointment of Commissioners to carry out the afore mentioned orders, consideration of the issue of an Indian incursion into Westmoreland County, defense of frontiers, arrests of civilians dealing with the enemy, mention of hope of Spain and France helping in the American independence movement, raising of companies of men for militias, commissioners gathering arms, blankets and clothing, and lastly, the formal extinguishing of the Councils power when it was no longer needed.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a record of the meetings of the Board of War. The Board of War took direct orders from the Supreme Executive Council and had full authority and power to perform all things necessary related to the war in process. Each entry mentions the date, lists the names of members present, an occasional location of the meeting, and resolves or orders accomplished in each meeting. Information found in this record concerns many of the decisions of the Board of War. Specifically, one can find many entries for money paid for service or materials rendered or given to the Board and orders from Council defining the Boards purpose and powers.
Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period, Politics and Government
Images of rough copies of the minutes of the Council of Safety. The volume contains edited notes and corrections not in official minutes. Entries span the period from October 17, 1777 through December 4, 1777, though they do not contain all of the entries made in the official recorded minutes.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of minutes for the Council of Safety from July 24, 1776 through March 13, 1777. Each entry lists the date of the meeting and the names of members present. The Committee dealt with both military and civil matters in an attempt to keep order during a time of upheaval. Information appearing concerning military matters includes orders for supplies, munitions, accommodation and transportation for enlisted men, matters of pay, cases of military courts martial, discharges, desertion, prisoners of war and jails, appointment of officers, formation of regiments, and the raising of local militia and Continental Army regiments from Pennsylvania. Information also appears showing the Councils concern for and on civil matters including goods bought from ships and resold to civilians at extravagant prices, disputes over Continental currency and the negotiation of the prices for goods and services, resolutions in response to the threat of enemy armies in Pennsylvania and general mobilization for war, and matters of public disturbance which included rioting and loitering.
Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period, Politics and Government
Images of a record of meetings of the Navy Board. Information found within this record pertains to the Navy Boards responsibility to care for the vessels of war, armed boats, ships and fire rafts, to defend on water, to follow up on an enemy attack and to repel the enemy, to control stores of the state to make this possible as well as to keep and defend fortifications on Fort Island, to examine the Delaware River channel and to sink ships of the enemy. Minutes mention date and locations of meetings, and issues debated and resolved by the Board in meetings, such as payment of wages or reimbursement for service and materials, resolves made concerning boats and fire rafts used in defense of rivers, petitions brought before the Board and care provided for injured men.
Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period, Politics and Government
Images of a daily record of the minutes of the meetings of the Supreme Executive Council from March 4, 1777 through December 20, 1790. Each entry records the date, day of the week and occasionally the location of the meeting. The members present at each meeting are also recorded, with an occasional mention of the office a particular member might hold. The minutes contain a record of business brought before, mentioned, discussed and resolved within council meetings. Information found within the pages of each volume pertain to the general daily business the Council had to deal with in order execute the laws of the state, letters sent or received by the Council, mention of proclamations made by Council, petitions brought before Council by officers or their families as well as ordinary citizens, money, supplies or munitions allocated by a decision by Council, returns of elected county officials or officers in the army, arrangement and commissions for Pennsylvania regiments in service to the Continental Army, appointments to political office, warrants to arrest prisoners or impress supplies, enemy movements or perceived threats due to circumstances of the enemy in the State, and various reports made in Council by members or commissioners specially appointed for committees or projects.
Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period, Politics and Government
Images of a record of the rough copies of the minutes of the Supreme Executive Council. The rough copies differ little from their final copies. One can see that portions of text in these rough copies have been struck. As with the final copies of the minutes, each entry lists the day of the week, date and location of meeting. Only these rough copies contain the details as to the time of day a meeting was held, morning or evening, as well as the note that a meeting was adjourned until the next specified time and place.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a loose collection of the draft copies of the minutes and other papers concerning the business of the Committee of Safety from August 2,1775-July 3, 1776 and undated. Besides providing the first drafts of the minutes and editorial changes, the series also includes papers and items not present in the final copies of the minutes. Each of the drafts of the minutes are similar to the format used in the final version, listing the date and location of each meeting and the members present. These papers seem to be edited with large sections of text marked through. Contained within the minutes are smaller documents, notes to or written by Committee members, certificates, drafts of proposed motions, letters and letter drafts, and some oaths of allegiance. Also present are copies of appointments to government positions, papers and information concerning sub-committees of the Committee, and a broadside issued by the Continental Congress from April 3, 1776, announcing the resolution on the registration of ships in colonial harbors and seas.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a loose collection of the rough copies of the minutes of the Council of Safety from July 1776 through August 1776, with some undated entries. Besides showing the first drafts and editing done to the original minutes, the record also includes items that are excluded from the final version copied into the minute books. These items include a rough transcript of a man giving evidence to the Council pertaining to a case they were working on, written announcements from the Council of Safety directed to members of the Pennsylvania State Militia and others, and lists of items taken from enemy forces.
Licensing and Certifications, Politics and Government, Social Movements, ennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
A record of Oaths of Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, renouncing allegiance to the British Crown or her armies. Included within this record are lists of men who took the Oath of Allegiance, listed in order by date. Also included are individual oaths, personally written or in a pre-printed form, signed, witnessed and sealed. The record also contains large charts of people who had taken the Oath of Allegiance. These charts provide information on the name of allegiance takers, their age, occupation, place of nativity, place of residence, and the names of their parents.
Politics and Government, Criminal Justice and Law, Pennsylvania History- 1791-1815, New Nation, Pennsylvania History- 1816-1860, Antebellum Period, Pennsylvania History- 1861-1865, Civil War, Pennsylvania History- 1866-1877, Reconstruction Era
Images of pardons granted to persons convicted of crimes. Information generally provided is a brief case history, date of pardon, and the amount and date of remission of any fine. Disclaimer: Not all records in this collection are digitized. Visit the PA State Archives to see the rest of the collection.
Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period, Politics and Government
Images of a record of the proceedings of the Pennsylvania Indian Commissions from February 23, 1784 through January 23, 1785, and the business of the commissioners elected to work on issues concerning Indian nations and citizens of the United States. Entries are dated with the location of each meeting, Philadelphia, occasionally mentioned, and contain information pertinent to the planning of a treaty with the Indian nations of Pennsylvania, the people involved, the aims of the treaty and the policy agreed upon.
Financial, Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a record of the items and payment requested, received and distributed by the Council of Safety from December 31, 1776 - March 17, 1777. Each entry gives the date, name of the requisitioners and items ordered or received. Detailed entries list requisitions and deliveries of supplies, munitions, coffins, blankets and shoes, rations drawn for soldiers and some citizens, payment for jobs, private homes used for sick soldiers, and orders for money to sick soldiers, widows and the wives of soldiers.
Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period, Financial, Politics and Government
Images of a record of the receipts of the Committee of Safety. Entries are neatly written in two ledger books with the date of receipt written at the top right hand corner of the page. Each entry states the name of the payee, amount paid, the reason the money was owed and a second signature (seemingly the person who collected the amount.) The amounts are also recorded and totaled together at the bottom of the page.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1791-1815, New Nation
Images of a record book of articles of agreement made by Governor Thomas Mifflin with various private armament suppliers under the terms of the Act to Provide Arms to the Commonwealth passed March 28, 1797 for purchasing 10,000 stands of arms for field service. Information given is date of article of agreement, name of armaments supplier, where supplier was located, quantity ordered, a description of the type of armaments, and amount to be paid.
Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1946-1991, Cold War Era, Pennsylvania History- 1992-present, New Millennium
Agenda, minutes, resolutions, reports, public hearings, and testimony of the State Highway and Bridge Authority (SHBA), State Highway Commission (SHC), State Transportation Commission (STC), the State Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC), and the Pennsylvania Transportation Assistance Authority (PTAA). These rolls of microfilm were created by the Department of Transportation.
Licensing and Certifications, Politics and Government, Pennsylvania History- 1775-1790, Revolutionary Period
Images of a record of the written authority granted private persons, by the Supreme Executive Council, to fit out an armed ship to plunder the goods of the British. Each page is set up in a chart, listing information in columns. Entries date from July 31, 1778- August 12, 1782, and some pages are incorrectly dated. Listed is information pertaining to dates of commission, name of person receiving the commission, number of carriage guns, swivels and tons on ship, number of men on ship, what commander the commissioned man was under and on what vessel he was assigned. By November 1780, columns were added dealing with the description of the captain or master, the commissioned man and a description of the lieutenant or mate.
Pennsylvania History- 1946-1991, Cold War Era, Pennsylvania History- 1992-present, New Millennium, Politics and Government
Images of returns for primary and general elections certified by the county boards of elections. Information provided is name of county, election date, certification date, date return was received by the Department of State, names of offices to be filled, names of candidates and their party affiliations, vote totals for each candidate, and dated certification of the County Board of Election. Offices covered include Judge of the Superior Court, Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge of the Commonwealth Court, President and Vice-President of the United States, United States Senator, United States Representative, Auditor General, State Treasurer, Senator in the General Assembly, Representative in the General Assembly, Delegate to Party Conventions, State Committee, Governor, and Lieutenant Governor. Records from 1991 forward contain voter registration material. Please refer to General Election Statistical Files, 1960-1984 series 26.60 and Registration Figures, 1950, 1960, 1964, 1966, 1967-1972 series 26.81 for similar records. Disclaimer: Not all records in this collection are digitized. Visit the PA State Archives to see the rest of the collection.