Port of Philadelphia Records: Drawbacks and Vouchers Paid by the Collector of Duties, 1784-1789

Active Filters:
  • Original Format = microfilm
  • Date = 1784-1789

About This Collection

Accounts and vouchers for drawbacks (duties refunded) as assessed by the Collector's office. Entries might include the following: the name of the merchant receiving the drawback, and the amount of and the reason for the drawback. If the reason for the drawback was damaged cargo, the estimates and the extent of the damage are also given. Images are unarranged. This collection is part of the Office of the Comptroller General which was created in 1782.

Displaying 1 item
Pennsylvania. Comptroller-General's Office, Drawbacks
Port of Philadelphia Records: Drawbacks and Vouchers Paid by the Collector of Duties, December 4, 1784 - March 16, 1789 (Nos. 3-63)