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Revolutionary War Soldiers
Revolutionary War Soldiers
Revolutionary War Soldiers
A VETERAN’S WIDOW. A Revolutionary Pensioner Within the Limits of Lycoming County [Catherine Dugan]
Autobiography of Samuel Miles (Page 08)
Reading militia in the great war
Reading militia in the great war
Autobiography of Samuel Miles (Page 09)
Autobiography of Samuel Miles (Page 10)
Autobiography of Samuel Miles (Page 11)
Report on war activities Fourth Naval District, April 6, 1917 to February 1, 1919 v. 1
Autobiography of Samuel Miles (Page 12)
Must the war go on? : an inquiry whether the Union can be restored by any other means than war, and whether peace upon any other basis would be safe or durable
Must the war go on? : an inquiry whether the Union can be restored by any other means than war, and whether peace upon any other basis would be safe or durable
Transcription of John Blair Linn's Trip to Gettysburg Battlefield Journal
How a free people conduct a long war : a chapter from English history / by Charles J. Stille´
FAMILY REUNION. Interesting Celebration at the Residence of the Venerable Mrs. Smith, Collomsville.
German soldier in the wars of the United States : an address read before the Pionier-verein, at the hall of the German society / by J.G. Rosengarten.
Glace, William H