Henderson High School - B. Reed Henderson High School Collection

About This Collection

Welcome to the B. Reed Henderson High School Collection, a part of the POWER Library: PA Photos and Documents. Henderson High School, located in the Borough of West Chester, dates back to 1906, and its long history has great significance to the Borough and to Chester County. The Henderson High School Library currently maintains a collection of archival items, and we regularly receive requests from alumni and other community member to view these materials. The collection consists of School publications dating back to 1906; it includes magazines, yearbooks, newspapers, and programs that relate to both School and local news and events. We are interested in preserving these materials to ensure their survival as part of the history of the School, West Chester Borough, and the regional area. We would also like to make them more widely available; the collection has been used in large part for genealogical research, and making it more readily available will facilitate this use.

Displaying 106 items
The Garnet and White June 1928
The Garnet and White June 1930
The Garnet and White June 1932
The Garnet and White June 1936
The Garnet and White June 1936
The Garnet and White March 1907
The Garnet and White March 1917
The Garnet and White March 1918
The Garnet and White March 1919
The Garnet and White March 1925
The Garnet and White March 1926
The Garnet and White March 1929
Garnet and White March 1930 Annual
The Garnet and White March 1932
The Garnet and White March 1934
Garnet and White March 1939 Annual
The Garnet and White March 1940
The Garnet and White May 1907
The Garnet and White May 1917
The Garnet and White May 1919