Susquehanna University - 1858 to 1894

Active Filters:
  • Date = 1858-03-11
  • Subject = Susquehanna University

About This Collection

This collection contains the archive of documents, photographs and brief publications and correspondence revolving around the evolution of Susquehanna University from 1857 through 1894.

Displaying 2 items
Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Institute, Susquehanna University, Correspondence
In response to charges that Selinsgrove was not a healthy place, the Selinsgrove community sent Dr. Kurtz a confident letter stating why their community was a safe and healthy place to have a school.
Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Institute, Susquehanna University, Correspondence
The second page of the letter concerning the health of Selinsgrove includes signatures of Selinsgrove citizens and physicians.