Keystone College - 1868 to present

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  • Subject = Keystone College Catalogs

About This Collection

Welcome to the Keystone College 1868- Present Collection, a part of the POWER Library: PA Photos and Documents. This collection contains materials pertaining to the history of Keystone College from its inception as Keystone Academy in 1868 as the first higher educational institution in Northeast PA.

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Contributing Institution

Catalog of Keystone Academy 1933-1934
Keystone Academy 52nd Annual Catalogue May 1921
Keystone Academy 53th Annual Catalogue May 1922
Keystone Academy 54th Annual Catalogue May 1923
Keystone Academy 55th Annual Catalogue June 1924
Keystone Academy 55th Annual Catalogue May 1924
Keystone Academy 56th Annual Catalogue May 1925
Keystone Academy 57th Annual Catalogue May 1926
Keystone Academy 61st Year 1928-1929
Keystone Academy 64th Year 1931-1932
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1870-1871
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1871-1872
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1873-1874
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1876-1877
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1877-1878
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1878-1879
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1879-1880
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1880-1881
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1881-1882
Keystone Academy Annual Catalogue 1882-1883