Elizabethtown College - Peace Pamphlets

Active Filters:
  • Original Format = Pamphlets
  • Subject = Brethren (Church of the Brethren)
  • Contributing Institution = Elizabethtown College

About This Collection

Elizabethtown College was founded by members of the Church of the Brethren, one of the original "peace churches" to spread from Europe to the United States. This peace pamphlet collection contains pamphlets that focus on peace issues and conscientious objectors' movement. Pamphlet dates range from 1775 to the 1970's.

Displaying 37 items
Am I a conscientious objector?
Attention church leaders
Biblical basis of a peace witness
Brotherhood peace action project program
Call for peace in Vietnam
Christian philosophy of peace
Church born in civil disobedience
Church of the Brethren and peace
Church of the Brethren faces peacetime military conscription
Conscientious objector and the selective service system.
Creative citizenship
Faith of the Brethren regarding peace
Foundations for the peace position
Foundations for the peace position of the Church of the Brethren.
Fulfilling our heritage; an interpretation of civilian public service for Brethren
Look at both sides of peacetime military conscription
Martin G. Brumbaugh reconstruction unit in Puerto Rico.
Pacifism and the disarmament conference
Peace round tables
Pleasant Hill Workshop