Elizabethtown College - Anna V. Blough Missionary Letters and Diaries from China

About This Collection

The Blough missionary letters and diaries from China are an invaluable resource to those researching Church of the Brethren history, along with those scholars studying the Western missionary endeavor in China in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They enhance other collections of Western missionary documents, such as those housed at Yale Divinity School, the Union Theological Seminary, and Harvard University. In addition, the letters and diaries of Anna Blough provide information about Chinese people and events that may not be available in China, as well as offering general information about life in China at that time (1913-1922). Anna V. Blough was born in 1885 near Waterloo, Iowa. She was baptized into the Church of the Brethren in 1989, and later attended Mt. Morris Academy and Bethany Bible School. In 1913 she sailed for China, where she served as a missionary at the Pingding station until her death from typhus on May 9, 1922. Blough's service was part of the broader Church of the Brethren involvement in China, which began in 1906 when Daniel Long Miller traveled there for the General Mission Board to investigate possible sites. He stopped at Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shanghai; after returning home, he made his report to the board. In the fall of 1908, the board sent George and Blanche Hilton, Frank and Anna Crumpacker, and Anna Horning to China to begin the church's missionary work. After speaking with missionaries of other denominations, devoting themselves to prayer, and studying the Atlas of Missions by H.P. Beach, they selected Shanxi Province as their mission field. The Crumpackers opened the first mission station in Pingding on May 25th, 1910, and the Hiltons opened a second station in Zuoquan in June 1912. The Brethren missionary presence in China ended in 1951 following Mao's rise to power.

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Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1915.1216
Anna discusses the matter of the furnace with her father. The board has decided not to fund the furnace, so it is up to the girls to provide their own furnace. She is asking her father for donations, but not pushing the matter
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1918.1023
Discusses finances with her father, mentions the low exchange rate in China.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1922.0416
Anna is visiting the Hwei Li Village to teach women's classes. Only two women attend regularly, but all the villagers were very welcoming, and even sang a song to Anna about how the church saved the village during the famine.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1916.0115
Anna received her birthday package and thanks everyone for the gifts. A sixteen year old Chinese school girl will be marrying a widower. Apparently they have been engaged for two years and have not talked, but he provides for her even though they are not yet married. The first class of the Bretheren Mission school boys graduated from grammar grades. Anna's father attended some missionary meetings in the city concerning global missions.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1915.0821
Anna's Chinese teacher has tuberculosis and will no longer be teaching. Anna explains that it is difficult to find an instructor for Chinese. The fleas have come back, and she explains some of her tactics for preventing the spread. Anna Hutchinson and Winne Cripe are visiting before they head home. She also asks her father to ask her uncle about buying an organ for the mission.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1918.0825
Dr. Lewis has gone to the front in Europe. Anna wonders if the anyone back home will be drafted. Mr and Mrs. Savage visited the mission to investigate the Chinese way of iron works. School shall begin again soon, and Anna is making preparations for the start of the new school year. Anna hopes to move in with the Crumpacker's when Minerva returns because there will be too many in the house.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1921.0831
Has returned to her country work. Comments about Mr. Li who used to be a leader for the Boxer Rebellion, but is now a Christian. Anna is glad the road is finished because it makes travelling much easier.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1920.1224
Describes the Brethren's efforts of hunger relief in China. Hundreds of people were fed by the mission. Anna found the betrothed girls who were staying with their mother-in-laws nearly dead, because the mother-in-laws were not feeding the girls.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1920.1224
Describes the Brethren's efforts of hunger relief in China. Hundreds of people were fed by the mission. Anna found the betrothed girls who were staying with their mother-in-laws nearly dead, because the mother-in-laws were not feeding the girls.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1920.1225
Anna is continuing her work in the 1920 Famine relief. She has been travelling to over eleven towns, and handing out the millet. Describes much of the suffering she witnesses in homes affected by the famine.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1921.1203
Anna has gone on tour with the Crumpackers, in hopes to evangelize Chao Pei. Many people wanted to become Christians when they taught the Gospel. Anna is so happy to see such earnest people.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1915.1205
The furnace has arrived for the church. Anna's house has been completed. They visited a Swedish Independent Mission where they believe in speaking in tounges. The Swedish felt the Bretheren did not have the spirit because they did not speak in tounges during the worship service. Anna disagrees, she believes the holy spirit is shown through the mission's work. She also comments that her language is slowly improving.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1915.1205
The furnace has arrived for the church. Anna's house has been completed. They visited a Swedish Independent Mission where they believe in speaking in tounges. The Swedish felt the Bretheren did not have the spirit because they did not speak in tounges during the worship service. Anna disagrees, she believes the holy spirit is shown through the mission's work. She also comments that her language is slowly improving.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1921.0216
Attended a meeting about the famine funds. The mission hopes to employ men to build a road for automobiles. They plan on hiring thirty men from many villages. Anna hopes the project will be successful.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1916.0219
Visited the Door of Hope (a refuge for castaway children and girls who have been sold into prostitution). The girls work on crafts to be sold in America. Mrs. Crumpacker has been hospitalized. Anna tells her mother that time goes by rather quickly because she enjoys her work so much.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1916.0202
Anna is travelling to Shanghai with the Crumpackers. She is on a boat that left from Hankow, however it is rather noisy. Comments that on her journey she can now read signs. She arrives in Shanghai and is staying at a hotel with a bathtub. This is her first bath in a tub since arriving in China. Comments that she no longer has time to ride Emma's horse for pleasure.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1922.0220
Anna and Mrs. Crumpacker have just returned to the mission after holding classes for the women of Luan Liu for the past 13 days. They held a graduation ceremony for the two women who had become proficient in reading the Gospel. This encouraged many other Chinese women to continue their studies. Also, a girl who almost starved to death last year due to her mother-in-law is now happily married and well fed. Also seven people gave their hearts to Christ in the town as well.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1917.0224
Discussed the work she has been doing in the country. Anna is jubilant that she has had some success. She has become increasingly tired due to all of her responsibilites, but she is content.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1916.0228
Mrs. Crumpacker is recovering and should return to Ping-Ting soon. Anna picked up two new sisters at the warf, was extremely happy to hear of news direct from America. It was up to Anna to speak Chinese and sort things out because no one else spoke it as well as she.
Blough, Anna Viola, 1885-1922 -- Correspondence, Church of the Brethren -- Missions -- China, Missions, American -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, Missionaries -- China -- Shanxi Sheng, bloughletter1918.0111
The Christmas mail was late this year. Anna will go to Tai Ku in a couple of days.