Carnegie Mellon University - Historic Images

About This Collection

This archive contains photographs from the first part of the 20th century relating to Carnegie Mellon University, then known as the Carnegie Institute of Technology.

Displaying 58 items
[Department of engineering drawing and machine design, Nov. 20/23]
[Don Juan, February 1922]
[Empty production facility]
[Female students drawing a clothed model]
[Henry Hornbostel]
[John Brashear delivering dedication speech, opening of Langley Aeronautics Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology]
[Line up for girl's scooter race]
[Line up for girl's scooter race]
[Metallurgical engineering]
[Military barracks on the Carnegie Tech campus]
[Military gathering on the Carnegie Tech campus]
[Mock funereal on student qualification day]
[Nurses at Margaret Morrison Carnegie College]
[Pageant in connection with the laying of the cornerstone of the Fine Arts Building]
[Pageant in connection with the laying of the cornerstone of the Fine Arts Building]
[Plebe kid party]
[Portrait of mentor Charles Steinmentz, 1922]
[Sheet metal and cornice work]
[Sheet metal shop, equipment looking from front to rear of shop]
[Soldiers in trucks]