Carnegie Mellon University - Andrew Carnegie Online Archives

Active Filters:
  • Subject = Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
  • Language = English

About This Collection

This collection contains primary resources about Carnegie's bequests along with supporting explanatory text, that teachers will be able to use as part of their curriculum.

Displaying 281 items
(Arthur W. Tarbell to Samuel Harden Church, December 20, 1935)
(Augustus K. Oliver to Charles Watkins, June 13, 1935)
Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
(A.W. Tarbell to R.S. Crossley, June 2, 1936)
(A.W. Tarbell to R.S. Crossley, June 4, 1936)
(A.W. Tarbell to R.S. Crossley, May 5, 1936)
(A.W. Tarbell to W. Healey, May 5, 1936)
The benefactions of Andrew Carnegie
The British benefactions of Andrew Carnegie
(Burton J. Hendrick to Mrs. William McConway, March 24, 1927)
A Carnegie anthology
(Carnegie Corporation of New York)
(Carnegie Day address -- November 28, 1939)
(Carnegie Dunfermline Trustees to Dr. Thomas S. Baker)
Carnegie gift's versus city's maintenance of Carnegie institutions
(Carnegie in library (drawing))
The Carnegie Institute
The Carnegie Institute
Carnegie Institute of Technology, address by Frank F. Nicola, esq. at the Carnegie Day Exercises, November 24, 1920
Carnegie libraries