Carnegie Mellon University - Andrew Carnegie Online Archives

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  • Subject = Beatty, John W. (John Wesley), 1851-1924--Correspondence
  • Date = 1/22/1910

About This Collection

This collection contains primary resources about Carnegie's bequests along with supporting explanatory text, that teachers will be able to use as part of their curriculum.

Displaying 2 items
Bertram, James, 1872-1934--Correspondence, Beatty, John W. (John Wesley), 1851-1924--Correspondence, Barye, Antoine-Louis, 1796-1875, Bronze sculpture, French, Animals in art, Carnegie Institute. Dept. of Fine Arts
Typescript letter (unsigned carbon copy). Andrew Carnegie's personal secretary James Bertram tells Beatty that Carnegie has received his letter and telegram but is not interested in the Barye bronzes.
Beatty, John W. (John Wesley), 1851-1924--Correspondence, Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919--Correspondence, McTaggart, William, 1835-1910, Walls, William, 1860-1942
Typescript letter. Beatty, like Carnegie, admires Scottish painter William McTaggart, and tried to visit him on his last trip to Scotland. He reminds Carnegie that the William Walls painting , mentioned in Carnegie's letter of Jan. 20, was in fact exhibited at the Carnegie Institute in 1896.