Pennsylvania Highlands Community College - Cambria Memory Project

Active Filters:
  • Location Covered = Hastings (Pa.)

About This Collection

This collection features items collected from the public that focus on the immigrant and ethnic heritage of Cambria County.

Displaying 105 items
A plowed field
Photo of First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Future site of Health and Rehab Center at Third Avenue Exit in Hastings, Pa.
Associations, institutions, etc.
A group of men and women pose for a picture at unknown event in Hastings, Pa.
Five men pose with a truck which is labelled "Hastings Bottling Works, Hastings, Pa".
Art festivals
Program for the Hastings Centennial Art and Music Concert and Art and Music Festival.
Concerts, Centennial celebrations
A ticket for the Hastings Centennial Concert listing the date, time, admission cost, and performers.
A cookbook created for the Hastings Centennial.
Centennial celebrations, etc.
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings relating to the Hastings Centennial.
Libraries, Trio, Anne (Costronovo)
A captioned image of the future site for the Hasting's Library.
Machinery industry
Corner showing Hastings Machine building and side street and adjacent building
Machinery industry
Corner showing Hastings Machine building and side street
Libraries -- History
A history of the Hastings Public Library from 1958 to 2008.
Libraries -- History
Scrapbook containing photos, newspaper articles, and commentary on the history of the Hastings Public Library for its fiftieth anniversary.
Swimming pools
The Hastings, Pa public swimming pool and building with vehicles in the parking lot.
Swimming pools
Public pool with cars in the parking lot
Swimming pools
Public pool with cars in the parking lot. Additional view
Swimming pools
Public pool with cars in the parking lot. Additional view
A photograph three men with one presenting a picture to another. They stand in front of a Rotary Club banner.
Libraries -- History
A history of the Hastings Public Library including an account by Gertrude M. Houck's article "Hastings Free Library: The Acorn Now A Mighty Oak!".