Pennsylvania Highlands Community College - The Johnstown Flood of 1889

About This Collection

On May 31, 1889, the breaking of the South Fork Dam caused the single greatest natural disaster in the history of the United States: the Great Johnstown Flood. It is the personal accounts and rare photographs of the survivors which are the focus of this project. Published in 1889, many of the selected texts are no longer in print or available for public access.

Displaying 264 items
Names and Business Addresses
New Houses on Iron Street Johnstown
Note to John Kephart
Office of Asst. Chief Engineer at "Big Wash" June 26th, 89
Office of Asst. Chief Engineer at Bridge #6-7/16/89
Officer's Headquarters at Viaduct 7/5/89
Official history of the Johnstown flood
P.C. Knox letter to S.S. Kring
Phillips letter to J. Kephart
P.R.R. Co's Loco Rescued. 7/27/89
Remains of Col. Linton's Residence 6/29/89
Remains of sluice gate-South Fork Dam 8/14/89
Remains of sluice gates South Fork Dam 7/28/89
Remains of Woodvale Flouring and Woolen Mills 6/29/89
R.S. Calder to J. Kephart